Quilts And All Things Fabric...

As an avid fabric enthusiast, a blog about quilts and all things fabric just seemed the obvious thing to do.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just a little progress this week....

Time is flying by and I'm not getting much accomplished. Does anyone else seem to have that problem lately?
This morning after leisurely having my coffee and breakfast, I ambled over to the window and stood watching the finches on the feeder and the blue birds checking out the bird house. They were probably just snatching up bugs, because it's way too early for them to be thinking about a nest. As I was standing there, a Pileated Woodpecker flew in and landed on the fence. I hustled off to find the camera, all the time thinking he would most likely be gone by the time I got back to the window. But he was very cooperative. It was such a cloudy morning, it is amazing that the pictures came out at all.  He stayed on the fence for several minutes then flew up to a tree. I managed to get another good picture before he worked his way around to the back side of the tree and then flew off.
We have a lot of these woodpeckers around. It isn't all that uncommon to see one. But it is still a thrill.  So, yes, I spent my morning taking bird pictures and not sewing.

Earlier this week, I did manage to get a couple of little things made for my quilt guild. We were supposed to make items with hearts for this months meeting to be sold at the boutique when  we have the next quilt show. I did a set of rug mugs with out of heart print fabric with appliqued hearts and a pincushion from the same heart fabric. They came out kind of cute. I also did two 12" blocks for our children's quilts project, but didn't get a photo of those.
The yellow is a little bright in this photo, but other than that, the color isn't too far off.

I am also working on a new craft for me....WEAVING. I took a class with a friend  last week and we are working on a jacket/sweater. It is made with 9 triangles and 9 squares that get stitched together to make a shrug type jacket. It should be really cute it if comes out anything like it's supposed to.

The yarn is variegated and creates a plaid pattern as it is woven. The photo shows one of the squares completed and a triangle in the loom. I have all the triangles completed, and only 4 more squares to go. Then assembly begins.  Wish me luck!

The husband and I are talking about taking a little get-away to escape the incoming cold front. So it may be a week or so before I can post again. But I will be thinking about all of you!  I can work on the weaving or my crocheting while we drive, but won't be getting any sewing done. Those quilts are just going to have to wait until we get back.

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