Quilts And All Things Fabric...

As an avid fabric enthusiast, a blog about quilts and all things fabric just seemed the obvious thing to do.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Been a Very Productive Week at the Cottage!

Throw Pillows to match 'The King'
Two, yes TWO projects completed. :-)
Alright, so they were small projects, but finished just the same.

The first milestone came with the completion of the two little throw pillows that go with the "King"!

Aren't they cute! The big Shams that go with this are still in the works. Although the tops are pieced, they are awaiting some quilting and final construction. Soon...they will be ready soon.. (And, yes I know that one pillow is nearly falling off the table in the photo. It just didn't want to sit up straight!...Besides I never professed to be a good photographer!!!)

The second project was the completion  of a bag/purse that my middle daughter and I started for her around three years ago when she was visiting.
Unfortunately, the color just isn't showing up well in the photo. This is a beautiful green, cream and yellow batik.
OK, so you are right...Three Years????  Yes, that's a long time. Other life things kept getting the way especially procrastination!  When my daughter was visiting, she asked if we could make her a new purse. Being me, of course I said something like ..."sure, that should be fun". Uh huh....She went through my fabrics and picked out this piece. (One of my favorites, I might add...oh well...it was going to a good purpose....) Then, she proceeds to say she wanted this feature, and that feature, and to sort of look like an old worn out bag I  had...You get the picture. We did NOT have a pattern in hand, nor did we EVER find one she wanted to use. SO we set our little selves down and more or less designed this bag with features from all the ones she had or had seen that she liked. All done while her boys napped. WHEW! We did manage to get all the pieces cut out and some of the sewing started during her visit.  With it being left to me to complete. I really thought it would just be a quick sew up and be done, but having to THINK the construction through without a pattern took a lot of brain power that I really lack these days. I would drag it out from time to time and work on it or at least look at it a long long time.  Other life things kept getting in the way, and before long, time had just slipped by. I was determined to get it done for her birthday last year....didn't happen! I made sure it happened this year! Although, it will still arrive late for her birthday, it is In The Mail!
Here are some more views of the bag.

Back View

This is the back view.
There is a long zipper pocket all the way across the back.
Great for large travel documents, etc.
Front View Under The Flap

Here we are looking under the front flap, which secures down with a small magnetic snap that is barely visible; but if you squint hard enough it shows up in the photo.

The sipper pocket on the front is 'gusseted' on the sides for expansion when holding bulky items such as car keys. There is also about an inch of space above the zipper closure which can be useful for unusually shaped or taller items.

The bag does have an extra long shoulder strap so it can be worn comfortably over the shoulder across the body, or can be shortened enough to just carry. My daughter had originally requested that the shoulder strap be made wider to about two inches, but we could not find a slid bar that would accommodate that width.

Peaking inside at zip divider
The inside is full of pockets and compartments. There is a large zip divider pocket inside. I sort of wish we would have chosen to stabilize this pocket, but then we didn't want bulk in the interior. With four children, she needs all the extra space we could get without making the purse a huge tote bag.   One feature that helps get inside the bag with ease is the top zipper extending about two inches down the sides of the purse. This is almost evident in the photo on the left side....just look closely. The top zip goes all the way down to where the tabs that hold the strap in place are attached. About even with the little zipper on the front pocket if you look at the previous photo.
Another look inside at side pockets
There are three side pockets across from the zip divider that are ideal for holding cell phone, pens, and note pad. The color is a little more accurate in the inside pocket photo above, too.

Well, now you know how I spend all my time....One project, right after another.

Sorry, no "Garden Variety Inspiration" shots today. It's just too hot to go out there and look for something unique to photograph. Besides it is nearly all dried up from all the heat

Sunday, July 15, 2012

King and Red Barn Progress

Where does the time go? It seems that June and July have just flown by. Not sure what took up all the time.  Most days are spent in my little sewing room working on some project or another. Problem is, there just isn't enough to show for the time.  Any way a little progress has been made on the big "King" project....the two little throw pillows are finally completed. The Shams are well under construction, with the tops completed; but not quilted yet.
Didn't realize that the one was almost falling off the table until after the photo was taken. The pillow forms haven't had time to 'seat' themselves. Thought about sitting on the pillows for awhile before taking the pictures, but didn't want to waste any more time!
These are quilted, but it doesn't show up in the photo.  Hopefully, by the end of next week the shams will be completed. It is seriously time for this entire project to be completed.

Also, worked on the Red Barn Quilt squares some. The Black and Red Rooster blocks are pieced and ready for the applique stitching to be done.

I followed the color layout in the pattern, then realized....Chickens don't have BLACK legs! Oh, well, makes for a more interesting conversation piece. 
The fence and lamb sections are next. Then it will just be a matter of setting the pieces with the sashing units.  Still looking for the perfect backing fabric.

It's been a tough summer on the garden with temps in the upper 90's and over 100° for weeks.
But, here is your garden variety inspiration photo for this session:

 Concentrating on interesting shapes this time. Yes, this really is a mature cucumber. It is an heirloom variety called a Lemon Cucumber. Lemon only in shape and color; it tastes just like any other plain old cucumber.
Here is a close-up...not exactly round, but close. Lots of variation in color and highlights, and texture.
So it may not inspire you to do a lemon yellow quilt, but who knows...some day that idea might resurface. Then  you can say, "Oh, dang! She got me after all!" LOL :-) 

Tomorrow is a "Big City Civilization" run for my machine to get it's annual servicing. That means a fun  lunch out with a sewing buddy and stops at all the quilt and craft shops in the area!

Have a fun rest of July!