Quilts And All Things Fabric...

As an avid fabric enthusiast, a blog about quilts and all things fabric just seemed the obvious thing to do.

Monday, December 5, 2016

More Fun With Fabric

Do you ever find it difficult to start a blog post? Sometimes I find it hard to decide where to start. I know what needs to be included, but finding the right words to get started often has me sitting here staring at the computer screen clicking my fingernails on the keyboard. This is one of those days.

Clue 2 for En Provence came out last week. I jumped on it quickly and got it cut out, then it took me three days to get it sewn. Not a difficult clue. Not hard to stitch together. Only 100 to make.  Just too much "other stuff" kept getting in the way.

This one was quick to cut out using the Tri Recs rulers. I like rulers. I have a lot of rulers. Some of them have never been used. Just bought them because they were cool and sometime I might use them for ...well... something.  But that does not apply to the ones used in Clue 2. Bought them for one of the other mystery quilts and they have been very well used.

Here are both rulers put to use. The fuchsia strips stack right sides together so when cut, you get both the left and right "wing" piece.

I just stacked the center triangle units and the right "wing" units by the machine and started chaining. Went quickly. One thing I made sure of was that the white triangle units were ALL laying Right side up. This fabric is a tone on tone/ white on white fabric and I have a terrible problem seeing the right side sometimes. Especially on cloudy days when the lighting isn't very good. I literally sat with the little lamp by the units and double checked each one before  I started. Managed to get them all sewn together correctly. Whew!
And they all squared up perfectly.  Sure was glad Bonnie posted in the clue the link for the video she made using these rulers. It was great having the refresher.

All done! Stacked and now stored waiting their turn in assembly.

Now, I need to get back to working on a very important Christmas gift. Beginning to think it isn't going to get finished in time this year. Oh, well, if not I'll just sub something else and give it when it's done. NOT going to rush it and mess it up!

As for today's "Garden Variety Inspiration" ...that one may be challenging. Let me go dig through some previous photos and see if I can find what I want to use. It's too cold and cloudy to bother trying to go out and get anything today.  Fount it! Remember last time I used the leaves from the Hazelnut bushes? Well here is another take of the bush, but not of the leaves. Cool huh? Very appropriate for a dull grey day and VERY much in contrast to the beautiful fuchsia pink above.
Neutrals with a touch of green and orange. Well, if it doesn't give you an idea of what you want to do, maybe it says to you what not to do. LOL
Have a wonderful week and until next time I hope you stay Sew Happy!


  1. I understand what you mean about the white on white tonal fabric. I have to double and sometime triple check that I am using the "right" side. Even then I have messed up. Sometimes I leave it, most often I fix it. Have a great rest of the week.

  2. Great fuchsia fabric! I have a tone on tone in my stack, too, and was constantly checking to make sure the right side was where it needed to be.

  3. Mine's gonna be scrappy and I'm using a Bonnie Hunter tip to use max stash. On my neutrals I'm using fronts and sometimes backs. Amazing way to use some of those very specific prints!

  4. Mine's gonna be scrappy and I'm using a Bonnie Hunter tip to use max stash. On my neutrals I'm using fronts and sometimes backs. Amazing way to use some of those very specific prints!
