Quilts And All Things Fabric...

As an avid fabric enthusiast, a blog about quilts and all things fabric just seemed the obvious thing to do.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Strolling down the "Street"....

Hello there!
It's another wonderful day strolling down "Easy Street" here at Beachwood Cottage Quilts.

Last week was full of wonderful holiday activites including shopping for just that perfect gift for my husband.(He came along and picked it out! LOL....Hey, it was Bass Pro Shop.) Shopping also included gifts for the our grown children and the grandchildren. Then there was a fabulous pot luck luncheon at the Yarn Diva (she also carries fabric), and a great get together/Christmas party/meet the new puppy at a friends house. Plus golf and fishing because up until today, the weather has been unseasonably warm and beautiful.
So, with  all of this going on, it's a wonder that I got any sewing done! But it happened! And lots of it,too.

When Clue 3 came out for on Friday, I was anything but ready to work on it. I was in the middle of trying to finish up a "Beach Blanket Quilt" for one of my sons-in-law.....yes, I did finish it up....and that will be another post on  here later today (hopefully today).

All the clues/steps for the Easy Street Mystery Quilt have been quick and easy so far. That has been a blessing this year. Lesson to self....next year DON'T try to do so much during the holiday season. Get it done EARLIER!!!... Not sure 'self' is listening. :-)

Clue 3 again used the Easy Angle Ruler to make "64 Shaded 4 Patches".
All pieces cut and ready to assemble.
We cut 2" strips from our purples and then cut those strips into 64 2"corner squares.
And paired up our white strips to make mirror image triangles for the "wings".
Then using the turquoise/aqua fabrics, we cut 3.5" strips and from those cut 64 large half square triangles using the Easy Angle ruler once more.
Quick! Easy!
The above photo shows the stacks of the large triangles, the little white triangles and the squares all awaitig assembly with some already being chained in the machine. You can also see the two "test" subjects that I ran first just to make sure all my cuts were correct and the winged units fit the triangle pieces.

Once the right side 'wing' was attached, the units were lightly pressed and ready to attach the left side. These units fit so well together, they just seem to zip through the machine. Photo below shows left side wing placement for stitching,

 Once all of the winged units were stitched and pressed open, it was time to attach the large triangle pieces. IF...(sometimes that's a really big word) I cut and stitched all of the little wing units CORRECTLY they should just be a perfect fit to the large triangles with the 1/4" seam hitting just right to make the points come out perfectly. (Yeah, I don't use that word a lot.)  I chose to place the large triangle on the bottom and the winged unit on the top to be able to see and sew through the little "X" where the wings and square come to a point. (See photo below.)
 The close-up below shows the intersection where the seem should hit to make that point come out correctly.....the point should not be 'cut' off and not too much white should be showing showing.

Viola! Here is the completed unit. See how the point 'fits' in?
(This unit has only been slightly finger pressed, so it's not laying perfectly flat, but does do justice to the point.)

 So, or maybe that should be SEW....all of Clue/Step/Part 3 units are now finished and stacked for you to see. ...Actually by the time you are reading this, they will be tucked into a little sandwich zip bag to wait patiently for their turn in the big scheme of this MYSTERY!

Sew....until next time....quilt someone happy!
Bye for now.


  1. Looking great. Love your fabrics :)

  2. Your blocks are looking good. You've got some nice close up photos too! Happy sewing :-)

  3. Your fabrics are fabulous. I'm envious of both your being done with step 3 and the great fabrics. Your tutorial makes it seem so easy and perfect. I sure hope mine go together that easily and precisely -- if or when I ever get to them.! I'm still doing step 2.

  4. Your patches look fantastic. Clue 4 is nearly here – woo hoo!
