Quilts And All Things Fabric...

As an avid fabric enthusiast, a blog about quilts and all things fabric just seemed the obvious thing to do.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week Two on Easy Street

....And the Mystery continues....

Easy Street Mystery Quilt Clue 2 was all about purple geese...flying geese that is. We see a lot of flying geese here on the lake, but never purple geese with white wings.  I love purple!

Ok, ok...so these aren't real live flying geese...... The above photo shows the purple geese with their white wings all cut out and ready to assemble.  The purple geese bodies are stacked in groups of 4. If you look closely at the remaining purple strip piece you can see part of the other color strips at the end. By stacking my purple strips and using the Compaion Angle ruler, I was able to cut 4 at a time. 

The white strips are stacked 4 deep also, BUT as two groups of 2. They are paired with right sides together so that when they are cut using the Easy Angle ruler you get a Right ' wing' and Left  'wing'. (NO politics involved, I promise!)
The above picture shows the 'body' and 'wing' units being chained together. The 'right wing' is being attached first. The 'left wing' has been laid aside (units that are right side up in the messy pile) Once all of the right wings are attached and lightly pressed, the other side will be sewn on in similar manner. 

These Companion Angle and Easy Angle rulers make the geese easy to assemble with the little dog ear missing at the top of the purple 'body' unit and the top of the white 'wing' tips. No more guessing if you have them aligned correctly. The flat tops match up for a perfect unit.
See the nice little flat top?

And here it is pressed open. There is a perfect 1/4" seam allowance at the top! Easy !
It did not take long at all to get all the geese sewn together and their wing clipped (aka dog ears removed).  

The little EXTRA this week was to cut 64 units 2" x 3.5" to get a tep ahead for next weeks clue. Ohhhhh...can't wait to see what that will be!
Here is Clue 2 all completed. 

If you are looking for a fun project, why not join in on the Easy Street Mystery Quilt by Bonnie Hunter. It isn't too late to get started! Come have some fun with us!
Until next time....Kathy


  1. I really like your color choices. The fabrics look so pretty!

    1. Thank you! Can't wait to see how this one finishes out.

  2. Your geese look so good - all with the proper 1/4 seam allowance at the top! Good job! I can't wait either to see what this pattern looks like when we all finish.

  3. Your geese look lovely, and the black/white fabric is very pretty.
